Master Sylvio Behring’s great legacy, the Progressive System of Jiu-Jitsu™, now in digital version, demonstrated in high quality videos by Master Sylvio himself. A Visual Guide for your reference, with incredible detail and angles, facilitating your training and reproduction of techniques.
A moment awaited by all Jiu-Jitsu lovers!
The Visual Guide of the Progressive System of Jiu Jitsu is intended to serve as a reference for all Jiu-Jitsu practitioners (Students, Monitors, Instructors, Teachers, Athletes).
Check out what the first volume includes:
01 – Progressivo de Base
02 – Progressivo de Amortecimentos de queda
03 – Progressivo de Rolamentos
Rolling Breakfall
04 – Progressivo de Fuga de Quadril
Hip Escape
05 – Levantada Técnica
Technical Stand Up
06 – Progressivo de Barrigada
Progressive hip bump (Bridge)
07 – Autodefesa em Pé
Stand up Self Defense
08 – Técnicas de Projeção
Throwing Techniques
09 – Gangorra Progressiva – Parte 01
Seesaw I
10 – Gangorra Progressiva – Parte 02
Seesaw II
11 – Progressivo de Escapadas
12 – Progressivo de Passagem de Guarda
Progressive Guard Pass
13 – Bonus Class I
14 – Bonus Class II
Click on the button below and get the Visual Guide
The Progressive System of Jiu-Jitsu™ is a method developed by Master Sylvio Behring, in the late 1980s, based on individual classes taught by Grand Master Álvaro Barreto.
In the Progressive System of Jiu-Jitsu™, techniques are taught with an appropriate didactic for each stage of the student’s development. In this way, the student builds a solid technical repertoire, which is part of a block of techniques that refer to art in its entirety, enabling its understanding. Thus, it becomes possible to build solid foundations for the application of self-defence techniques safely and successfully. For the full development and progression of the student, the techniques are presented and taught gradually, respecting individual evolution.
Our methodology proposes the understanding that each technique is not something isolated, but a piece belonging to a foundation that, in turn, is part of a block that reassembles a complex and well-planned structure of fight.
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*This product does not guarantee results. Any reference to the performance of a strategy should not be interpreted as a guarantee of results.
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